Railroad Track Construction

82828762Our railroad track construction is a multifaceted service that consists of quality workmanship, safety, timeliness, and working within the budget. Attached to this service are our commitments to customer care and professional integrity.  When you work with Tar Heel Railroad Construction Company, you can know your railroad is in the best of hands. Our approach is built in order to minimize problems and maximize the solution.

Quality workmanship stems from skilled workers and proper equipment and materials. For this reason, we invest in our crew in a variety of ways. We stay up-to-date on industry trends and regulations, and consider ourselves in continuous training mode. Our experience and vast knowledge enable us to do what you need us to do, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Safety is a by-product of competence, preparation, and working with the right equipment, as well as valuing safety. Here at Tar Heel Railroad Construction Company, safety is regarded as a requirement, not a choice. Every crew member has the obligation to be safe, not only for themselves, but for their co-workers, the clients, and any other party that could potentially be affected by a mishap. As a company, we do our part to make this an easy reality. From the teaching to the work environment, every element promotes the same concept.

Timeliness is out of respect for the client’s need. Chances are you are pressed to get this project through completion. We won’t compromise any of our other pillars to succeed at this one, but we will give it its own priority. Working efficiently is a matter of planning ahead, performing optimally, and managing resources.

Working within the budget doesn’t necessarily mean we can complete the scope of the work under whatever amount you request. It’s dependent on accurately assessing the job and then proposing an estimate. We want you to trust that we will be honest, fair, and respectful of all costs.

Put these all together and you’ll recognize our integrity and our appreciation for our clients. Serving you and your industry is what it’s about. Handling railroad track construction the right way is what sets us apart.